#AYUSH Kishtwar holds services promotion, Yoga awareness camp  

#AYUSH Kishtwar holds services promotion, Yoga awareness camp  

KISHTWAR, MAY 19: A Mega Ayush Camp for promotion of AYUSH services, interventions, schemes and yoga awareness was organised today, here at Kukerwas.

The event was organised under the guidance of the Director AYUSH Jammu and Kashmir Dr Mohan Singh and under the supervision of Deputy Commissioner (DC)  Ashok Sharma and the management of  District Nodal officer AYUSH Dr Taraq Hussain,.

The camp aimed to educate the  farmers, locals  about the various Ayush services, interventions and schemes being provided by the Ministry of AYUSH and Directorate of  AYUSH Jammu and Kashmir.

It is important to mention here that Ayush gram Kukerwas is the only one Ayush Gram proposed in the district and is slowly grooming and developing into its full capacities.

In the programme, the farmers were briefed about the Ayush based nutritional diet  and lifestyle, Promotion and  cultivation of Nutrigardens and poshan vatikas in the household areas, Cultivation of the local and specific herbal gardens for adolescent and menstrual health besides best mother care etc.

Later, the Medical officer Ayush gram Kukerwas, Dr Anil Kumar distributed immunity booster kits among the public, while Yoga Therapist Anil Thaku

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