DEC discusses District Environment Plan in Rajouri

DC stresses on carrying out anti-polythene drives; educating masses about benefits of eco-friendly alternatives to it
RAJOURI, JULY 21: District Environment Committee (DEC) today discussed and reviewed the activities incorporated in the Environment Plan here at its meeting chaired by District Development Commissioner Rajouri, Vikas Kundal.
The plan is aimed at improving the overall parameters of the environment in the district by taking up widespread plantation, take measures to curb use of plastic/ polythene, improving the mechanism for disposal of solid waste and hospital waste, promoting community participation and mass awareness, strengthening Green Clubs, soil and moisture conservation, water conservation, measures aimed at curbing air and water pollution and set up an effective grievance redress mechanism.
For the management of solid waste, the chair directed the concerned officers from the Revenue, pollution and EO MCs to jointly visit all the proposed solid waste management sites for finalisation.
Regarding making the MRFs functional, the DC also asked the EO municipalities to install the required machinery to make the same functional.
Stressing on curbing the use of single use plastic in the district, he asked the EO MCs to carry out anti-polythene drives and also motive the public to shun the use of the single use plastic and go for eco-friendly alternatives.
For hazardous waste management, the DC directed the concerned officers from Municipalities to establish a deposition centre besides publishing information brochures.
Among the others present in the meeting included DFO Rajouri, Arshdeep Singh; ACD, Vijay Kumar; ACR Rajouri, Imran Kataria; DO PCB, Anupam Kaul; DMO, Mohd Naseeb; EO Municipalities and other concerned officers attended the meeting.