DC Udhampur reviews disposal of Change of Land Use cases

UDHAMPUR, MAY 25: Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur, Krittika Jyotsna today chaired a meeting of officers of the line departments to discuss and approve the change of land use cases.
At the onset, ACR Udhampur Rafiq Ahmad Jaral, gave a detailed brief about the change of land use cases. He apprised the Deputy Commissioner that seven applications have been received so far.
During the meeting, the Deputy Commissioner enquired about the status of NOCs issued in favour of applicants by the Departments like PDD, Jal Shakti, Irrigation, Forest, Municipality etc and observed that the comments and NOCs are being submitted without due diligence due to which the applicants have to file the application again and again.
She directed the concerned officers to call applicants and guide them if there was any deficiency in the application or documents, so that the spirit of online services was not defeated. “Besides ensure timely issuance of NOCs to the applicants after proper verification of documents, so that applicants may not suffer for an iotian reason” she directed. The DDC asked the officers to facilitate the applicants and sensitize them about the process of applying on CLU portal. She stressed that the applicants can apply through online portal