Comm Secy Forests inaugurates Technical Workshop for preparation of APOs

SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 02: Commissioner Secretary, Forests, Ecology & Environment, Sanjeev Verma today inaugurated day-long technical workshop for preparation of Annual Plan of Operations (APOs) for the financial year 2023-24 at Banquet Hall here.
The workshop is being organised under the Chairmanship of Pr. Chief Conservator of Forests & HoFF, Dr. Mohit Gera with a view to guide the implementing Agencies in preparation of scientific, output oriented and people centric APO for the next financial year.
Speaking on the occasion, Commissioner Secretary complimented the Department for organizing the brain storming session on preparation of comprehensive APOs. He stressed that Compensatory Afforestation should be carried out in a manner that loss of environmental goods and services due to diversion of forest land is adequately compensated.
The Commissioner Secretary also asked the forest officers to adopt landscape and water shed approach in treatment of forest areas in a holistic manner. He laid emphasis on construction of water harvesting infrastructure and ponds to be made integral part of APO so as to improve the water and moisture regime for better habitat.
Verma also stressed on major improvement in nursery infrastructure to significantly enhance plant production. He further asked them that Conservation of rare, endangered and threatened plant species (RET) should be incorporated in the conservation plan. He also called upon the Department to establish model centres for farm forestry to facilitate farmers in undertaking plantation of commercial plant species on large scale.
Dr. Mohit Gera, PCCF& HoFF in his address stressed on making scientific proposals in accordance with Working Plan prescriptions. He also stressed on formulation of plans in integrated manner in which upper reaches of the landscape are treated by the Soil and Water Conservation Department and the areas close to habitation are treated by the Social Forestry Department.
Dr. Gera also gave a detailed presentation on production of quality planting material using modern nursery techniques. He laid stress in preparation of special plans for prevention and control of forest fires.
CEO, CAMPA, Sarvesh Rai on the occasion explained the regulatory frame works of CAMPA. He stressed on having meaningful consultation with Panchayats in formulation of APOs so that the demands of the local communities for fodder, timber and firewood and other forest produce are met.
Among others, Director, Social Forestry Department, Roshan Jaggi; Chief Wildlife Warden, Suresh Kumar Gupta; Director Soil and Water Conservation Department J&K, J T.S.Ashok; Managing Director, JK Forest Development Corporation, Vasu Yadav, Director Environment and Remote Sensing Department and other senior officers of the department were also present on the occasion and gave detailed presentations of their respective fields.