SKUAST-Jammu holds 8th R-ABI Incubation Committee meeting under RKVY-RAFTAAR Project

JAMMU, JULY 27: Professor J.P. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu today appreciated the innovative ideas and products showcased by potential agri-entrepreneurs many of whom were found to be technically feasible and economically viable thereby having the potential to tap the opportunities present in the market.
Prof. Sharma was speaking while chairing the eighth R-ABI Incubation Committee (RIC) meeting of Agri-Business Incubator, SKUAST-Jammu under the RKVY-RAFTAAR project held at Main Campus, Chatha of SKUAST-Jammu.
Prof. Sharma welcomed all the present experts along with those who joined through online mode and appreciated their valuable presence and relevant inputs for selecting the right incubates to be forwarded to Ministry of Agriculture & Framersโ Welfare, GoI for funding under RKVY-RAFTAAR project. Prof. Sharma in his concluding remarks said that the conceptual ideas and prototypes developed by the participants hold a lot of promise for the agri-business sector.
He further added that special attention needs to be given on natural input products in order to promote natural and organic farming. Infrastructure development, vocational education, brain storming on critical problems and hand holding of start-ups were listed as key action points by him. He expressed satisfaction that Agri-Business Incubator, SKUAST-J is taking the right steps in this direction as start-ups and entrepreneurship is the only way to take the agriculture sector to new heights.
He also appreciated Prof. Jyoti Kachroo, Director P&M, Head AEABM and P.I of the project and her team for their efforts in nurturing and developing agri start-ups through A.B.I, SKUAST-Jammu.
Earlier Prof. Jyoti Kachroo briefed about all the major activities and progress achieved in the recent past by Agri-Business Incubator, SKUAST-J under the RKVY-RAFTAAR project and also welcomed all the members of RIC who were attending the meeting for evaluation of the 4th batch of incubates for their onward submission to the Ministry. She informed the august house about the constructive role being played by A.B.I SKUAST-J in the training & development of agri start-ups under the project.
She mentioned that 4 batches of agri-entrepreneurs have already been trained, training of 5th batch is going to start from next week and applications for admission to 6th batch have also been called.
All incubates presented their innovative concepts and agri-business plans before the committee.
The experts from different fields viz. K.K Sharma, Director Agriculture, Jammu, Prof. Ashok Aima, Ex-Vice Chancellor, Central University o