Secretary Planning reviews progress of MPLAD scheme in J&K UT

JAMMU, SEPTEMBER 24: Secretary, Planning Development and Monitoring Department, Dr. Raghav Langer, today took a review meeting with all Nodal Deputy Commissioners regarding Physical and Financial Progress of 16th and 17th Lok Sabha, Member Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) Scheme.
While welcoming the officers, the Secretary apprised the participants that monitoring of MPLADS has to be made a regular phenomenon and accordingly all the Nodal District Authorities i.e. DDC Jammu/Udhampur/Anantnag/Baramulla/Srinagar; implementing MPLADS were directed to immediately reconcile the latest physical/financial status under the scheme and forward the same to the Administrative Department. During the review Secretary PD&MD pointed out that 16th Lok Sabha MPLADS accounts ought to be closed as per the ensuing guidelines of MPLADS on priority; and all Chief Planning Officers were directed to ensure compliance and submission of the Utilisation Certificates.
DG, PMCE Division of Planning Department, Shahzada Bilal Ahmad apprised the chair that under 17th Lok Sabha a total of 480 works have been sanctioned in J&K till date, against which 247 works stand completed and 233 no of works are in progress. Further, UCโs of Rs 1823 lakhs stand submitted to GoI against total releases of Rs 3300 lakhs. All officers were directed by the Chair that time lines should be fixed for ongoing works and a meeting scheduled immediately with all concerned line departments for expediting the implementation of works.
It was also impressed upon all the Nodal District Authorities to share the list (District โwise and Sector- wise) of all ongoing works with MPLADS Section of Planning Dev. and Monitoring Department on priority. Nodal District Authorities for Jammu/Udhampur/Anantnag & Srinagar Lok Sabha Constituencies were directed to settle all bottlenecks with the line agencies while implementing MPLADS on ground and Nodal District Authority Baramulla LS Constituency was directed to review the scheme on priority to clear the mismatch/ discrepancy of sanctioned works and completed works between Nodal District and Implementing Districts.
The objective of the MPLAD scheme is to enable the MPโs to recommend works of developmental nature with emphasis on the creation of durable community assets based on the locally felt needs to be taken up in their constituencies. 15% of the MPLADS entitlement is to be recommended every year for works in areas inhabited by SC Population and 7.5% for areas inhabited by ST Population. The entitlement of each MP per annum under the scheme is Rs 5 crores.