SCERT’s 3-Day Workshop on #ECCE Handbook Ends

SRINAGAR, MAY 18: A three-day workshop on “Review and Contextualization of Teachers’ Handbook For ECCE Grades” concluded at the State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) here today.
A group of State Resource Person (SRPs) had prepared the handbook for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) while the workshop participants mapped the learning outcomes on to the curriculum during the course of three days.
“The handbook shall serve as a reference manual to guide ECCE teachers at the ECCE centres to adhere to quality standards of ECCE education set by the NEP 2020,” Academic Officer, Gulzar Ahmad Sheikh, who is also the Divisional Nodal Officer of NIPUN Bharat Mission, said.
Academic Officer, Mudasir Jan Gul and Rehana Qussar of the State Leadership Academy lend a helping hand in developing the handbook.
“With a special focus on the distinctive setting of Jammu and Kashmir, this manual blends theory with practical examples of participative and child-centered methods to learning and education,” Gul stated. “It also gives ECCE teachers the opportunity to reflect on their own working styles and viewpoints while improving their teaching skills and capacities.”
The document will be available to the ECCE teachers soon after it has been printed and published.