Ramban: Visiting officers visit 27 Panchayats of Gool, Sangaldan and Gundi-Dharam blocks

DDC Chairperson participates in B2V4 activities; Launches several development works
Director Archives visits panchayat Gool-B
RAMBAN, NOVEMBER 02: The third leg of the ongoing Government โpublic interface programme Back to Village Phase-4 started in district Ramban on Tuesday as several senior officers(Visiting Officers/ mentors) visited 27 Panchayats of the district.
The Officers reached their assigned Panchayat in the morning in Gool, Sandaldan and Gundi-Dharam blocks of the district to conduct social audits besides assessing the issues of public interest. They interacted with the PRIs, Officers and Officials of line departments and the General Public and discussed a wide range of social and developmental issues.
The visiting officers focused on strengthening planning as well as the process of execution of developmental works taken up under different schemes.
Participating in the Back to Village program in different Panchayats, Chairperson, District Development Council, Ramban, Dr Shamsad Shan kick-started work on Water Supply Schemes under Jal Javeen Mission at Sangaldan costing Rs 2.49 crore, Seripura Rs 1.25 crore and Chachwah Rs 1.56 crore.
Director Archives Archaeology and Museums ( Visiting Officer), Pardeep Kumar, visited Panchayat Gool-B in district Ramban and participated in a series of activities along with PRIs inaugurated Amrit Sarovar besides participating in plantation drive.
Similarly Additional Secretary Forest, Dhananter Singh visited Panchayat Gool-A and inaugurated lane-drain work constructed under PRIs funds with an expenditure of Rs 1.67 lakh in Ward No. 3. He also inaugurated a Pacca path from Main road to Taragwal Mohalla completed at a cost of Rs 2.8 lakh under 14FC in Ward No.2, another PACCA path constructed under B2V3 completed at Rs. 3.5 lakh in Ward No. 5 of the Panchayat Gool-A
The Visiting officer of Panchayat Thatharka inaugurated CSC which will help people availing services of Ayushman Bharat card, e-SHRAM, PAN CARD, Electric bill, etc.
The Visiting Officers along with PRIs also participated in Griha Pravesh ceremonies of several PMAY-G beneficiaries in all the blocks.
The departments conducted different activities like cultural programmes, sports events, established Rural Haats, and convened meetings with PRIs and senior and prominent citizens.