President JKWP, Delegations of IGM, CD&EF call on Lt Governor

Srinagar, July 22: Sh Mir Junaid, President, Jammu & Kashmir Workers Party (JKWP), Delegations of International Gurjar Mahasabha (IGM) and Community Development & Employment Foundation (CD&EF) called on Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha at the Raj Bhavan here today.
Sh Junaid while calling on the Lt Governor apprised him about various issues of public importance. He discussed the issue of mining in Langate, Kupwara, besides concerns related to Jal Shakti Schemes, College and Sports Stadium.
The Lt Governor while interacting with the President, JKWP assured him that the genuine issues put forth by him would be taken up with the concerned quarters of UT administration for early redresssal on merit.
Similarly, a delegation of International Gurjar Mahasabha led by Ms Tazeem Gujjar met the Lt Governor and expressed gratitude for the unprecedented and immense development works and schemes initiated by the UT administration for the welfare of Tribals of J&K UT.
She said that it is for the first time since Independence that the Government of J&K has given so much attention to providing equal opportunities to tribal people and ensuring their socio-economic prosperity.
Later, a delegation of Community Development and Employment Foundation led by Syed Mohd Rafiq also called on the Lt Governor and expressed gratitude for the arrangements made by the UT administration for the Hajj pilgrims, besides highlighting issues of public importance.