PCCF chairs 9th SLC meeting on Wood Based Industries of Kashmir division

Approves 24 cases pertain to sawmill industries, plywood industry etc

SRINAGAR, JULY 18: Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (HoFF), Dr. Mohit Gera, today chaired the 9th meeting of State Level Committee on wood-based industries for Kashmir Division here at Forest Complex Sheikh Bagh.

During the meeting, 26 cases were placed before the Committee for consideration which stand scrutinized and 24 cases were approved. Out of 24 approved cases 22 cases pertain to sawmill industries and one for establishment of veneer/ Plywood industry and one for change of location/site, with a rider that licensing authority shall issue the licenses only after completion of the requisite formalities. 

23 cases out of the total were approved for Srinagar Circle in Budgam, Bandipora, Baramulla and Srinagar districts and the rest one case was approved for South Circle in Anantnag district.

The approval for issuance of license for setting up of wood based industries shall facilitate the initiative of the Govt, in promotion of industries and generating local employment in the UT in general and Kashmir region in particular. 

During the meeting, Pr. Chief Conservator of Forests, stressed upon the need to create awareness among the unit holders regarding initiative of the government in the form of J&K Wood Based Industries (Establishment & Regulation) Rules, 2022 which has liberalized the secondary units from license regime. 

These units are re-classified as furniture units and require only one-time registration and no license is required now. Further, the period of renewal of license for the wood-based industry which were earlier classified as primary industry has now been increased from two to five years. 

It was also decided that frequent meetings and deliberations must take place among the forest and Department of Industries and Commerce along with unit holders and other stakeholders, so that further steps be taken to promote the Wood Based Industry in Jammu & Kashmir.

The meeting was attended by Member Secretary SLC, Addl.  Pr. Chief Conservator of Forests, Kashmir, T. Rabi Kumar, Addl. Pr. Chief Conservator of Forest, Central S.K. Sinha, Addl. Pr. Chief Conservator of Forests, Jammu, B.M. Sharma, Chief Conservator of Forests, S&D Samuel Changkija, Director, Industries and Commerce Kashmir, M.A. Shah, Conservator of Forests, Working Pan Circle, Territorial Conservators and other members of the committee.

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