#Div Com reviews implementation of skill development schemes by different departments

#Div Com reviews implementation of skill development schemes by different departments

Asks to encourage rural youth for joining training courses

JAMMU, MAY 4: Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Dr Raghav Langer today chaired a meeting to review the implementation of skill development schemes by different departments. 

The meeting was attended by Chief Operating Officer Himayat, Deepika Sharma; Director Rural Development Department, Mohd Mumtaz Ali; Deputy Labour Commissioner, Vinakshi Koul; Assistant Director, Skill Development, Assistant Director Employment besides senior functionaries of JKEDI, JKSDM and other concerned while Deputy Commissioners of Jammu division along with other concerned officers participated in the meeting through video conferencing.

The Div Com reviewed in detail all the schemes/ courses offered to unemployed youth to increase their employability.

During the meeting the concerned departments gave a detailed powerpoint presentation on the schemes offering a range of courses in different trades which help in meeting the demand of workforce in the market.

While reviewing the schemes of Himmayat, the concerned officer apprised that Deen Dayal Upadhyaya – Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) was a Flagship placement linked skill development initiative of the Union Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD. “It is a Special initiative under DDU-GKY which aims at increasing the employability of unemployed youth (rural & urban)” the meeting was told. It was further informed that till March 2022, a total of  21378 Candidates joined the Training course in Jammu division, of which 16081 completed the course and 6786 were placed in jobs, while 2721 Candidates are undergoing training.

The meeting was further informed that the department imparts training to candidates in a variety of trades through ITIs and Polytechnics with a provision of placement and  financial assistance for start ups.  The concerned officers also apprised about the achievements and recent initiatives of the department.

The Div Com also reviewed in detail performance of Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI). “The Institution strives to create and nurture an ecosystem in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir which induces high-order skills, germination and growth of responsible entrepreneurship through training, teaching, research, investments and advocacy” the concerned officer informed. He added that the vision was to strive for creation of a robust ecosystem that nurtures a culture of environmentally sustainable and inclusive entrepreneurship and skill development in the UT of J&K.

It was further informed that the JKEDI implements three schemes for providing subsidized loan facilities under schemes lik

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