DDC Udhampur reviews implementation of RDD sector schemes

Stressed on meeting quality parameters, set timelines
UDHAMPUR, JULY 04-:- To review the Block wise progress of ongoing works under Capex budget, Back to village, 14th FC, MGNREGA and Amrit Sarovar in the District, District Development Commissioner, Udhampur, Krittika Jyotsna today convened a meeting of officers and field functionaries of Rural Development Department (RDD) here in Mini Conference Hall DC Office Complex.
At the outset, Assistant Commissioner Panchayat gave a brief about the block wise progress of ongoing developmental works of various schemes of RDD sector and the work plan under different schemes and Cap Budget.
The DC took an extensive review of the progress on Capex budget, back to village, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), 14th FC, Amrit Sarovar, Block wise wage disbursement, payment to labourers , expenditure of different schemes, Physical and financial status of CSCs in the District.
The DDC also assessed the status of convergence plan to be taken up with the line departments in consonance with MGNREGA and 14th FC etc. She directed the BDOs adhere to set timelines set for each work by meticulously utilizing the working season. The DDC directed the concerned authorities to resolve the pendency of issues and remove bottlenecks, if any, on priority so that execution of works shall not be delayed.
Among others, ADDC, Anu Behl; CPO, Mudassir Yaqoob Zargar; ACD, Dharam Paul; Xen REW Ram Singh and all BDOs were present in the meeting.