DC B’la reviews progress of District under ADP

BARAMULLA, JULY 14: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Baramulla, Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar Thursday reviewed the status of the overall functioning of the district under Aspirational District Programme (ADP) in a meeting held at Dak Bungalow, here.
A threadbare discussion regarding the progress made under ADP was held during which the DC directed the concerned officers to work with added zeal to achieve the indicators mentioned in the Aspirational District.
While taking a comprehensive review under Health and Nutrition Indicators, the DC stressed to saturate institutional deliveries and skilled birth Attendance.
She also said that Sex Ratio should be improved for which Chief Medical Officer was directed to constitute a team of experts for regular monitoring of ultra Sonography labs under the provisions of PNDT Act. Emphasis was also laid to put effort in order to reduce the number of underweight children to zero.
The DC also reviewed the performance made under the Education Sector during which she directed that the Transition rate from primary to upper primary school level should be elevated.
On the occasion, parameters of Gross Enrollment Ratio and Net Enrollment Ratio were discussed to improve the success rate of out-of-school children.
It was given out that the education department is scheduled to construct more Model Schools in the district.
Under Agriculture and Water Resources, the DC said that the percentage of areas under Micro Irrigation should be improved for which she directed the Chief Agriculture Officer to come up with a concrete plan to saturate the area under Micro Irrigation across the district.
Targets under AADHAR Seeded Accounts and Atal Pension Yojna, PMJJBY and MUDRA schemes were also discussed in the meeting during which Lead District Manager Baramulla was directed to achieve the targets through the modalities of daily monitoring of individual banks.
The DC directed that enrollments under social security schemes like Suraksha Bima Yojna and Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojna be saturated in a time bound manner.
A target of 24,000 was set for enrollment in Financial Inclusion under NRLM for which direction was passed that all the department will enroll their frontline workers in a given timeline.
The meeting also discussed achievements in all weather roads under PMGSY and access to adequate potable water.
Meanwhile various issues hampering the path of development were thoroughly discussed in the meeting during which the DC assured that all the impediments shall be taken into consideration for their timely redressal to achieve the level of saturation in the indicators.
The meeting was attended by Additional Deputy Commissioner, Zahoor Ahmad Raina; Joint Director Planning M.Yousuf Rather; ACD Yaar Ali Khan; CMO, Dr Bashir Ahmad Malik; CEO G.M. Lone besides various concerned officers of the district.