CS reviews adoption & implementation of iGOT Karmayogi in J&K

SRINAGAR, JULY 28: Chief Secretary, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta today convened a meeting to review the adoption and implementation of iGOT Karmayogi in J&K. The meeting was on National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (Mission Karmayogi) which is being complemented by Integrated Government Online Platform popularly known as iGOT Karmayyogi.
The meeting was attended by the Director General, J&K IMPARD, Saurabh Bhagat, Director Trainings IMPAm Dr. J. A. Jabeen, Joint Director Priyanka Bhat, Dy Director Umar Shafi, Faculty members Dr Khurshid ul Islam and Dr Bilal Bhat of J&K IMPARD and Nodal Officer iGOT Karmayogi Dr. Mohammad Ashraf Dar.
Representatives of LGs Grievance Cell were also present for whom JKIMPARD is going to train about 20000 grievance officers of different departments in collaboration with DARPG, Govt. of India.
The Chief Secretary took a detailed review of all the components of Mission Karmayogi including Competency lead Capacity Building, Accountability and transparency through objective evaluations, effective public delivery system, Policies conducive to economic growth and citizen centricity.
Mehta also took a note of UT specific strategies to adopt and implement the Mission Karmayogi through a shift from Rule to Role based governance, a credible and autonomous institutional framework, a digital platform offering services around learning and career management, effective and efficient e-Human Resource Management (eHRM).
The Chief Secretary was informed about the completion of eHRM within a period of two months which will completely shift the manual management of Human Resource into Digital Management.
The Chief Secretary was informed by DG IMPARD about different steps taken by J&K government for implementation of Mission Karmayogi in the offices of J&K administration especially GAD. The DG highlighted the role of J&K IMPARD in capacity building of government functionaries through a continuous effort.
On the occasion the launching of Learning Management System through JK IMPARD was also shared with the Chief Secretary wherein all material including PPTs, Videos, Concept Papers, Case Studies, Training Modules, Exercises etc. are uploaded for the benefit of employees and the trainees.
Pertinent to mention here that this system is connected to all ATIs and CTIs throughout the country.