Block Diwas: DDC Rajouri presides over public outreach camp at remote Samote panchayat

Asks officers to take effective measures to redress genuine public concerns
RAJOURI, NOVEMBER 09: To reach out to the people in far flung areas, District Development Commissioner Rajouri, Vikas Kundal today chaired a public outreach camp at panchayat Samote of block Budhal New.
Among others present at the event were ADDC, Pawan Kumar; ADC Koteranka, Surinder Mohan Sharma; CPO, Mohammad Khurshid; ACD, Vijay Kumar; SE PWD( R&B), Kamal Kishore; CEO Education, Shailash Kumari and other district and sectoral officers.
The public and their representatives raised a number of issues and demands during the event. They demanded macadamization of roads, meeting paucity of staff in government institutions, upgradation of schools etc.
Specific issues projected included shortage of electricity poles and transformers, construction of road from Samote to Dewan Shahpur, construction of road for PHC Samote, road from main road to Kangota, repair of road from Samote to upper Samote and renovation of GHSS Samote etc.
Officers of different departments also highlighted different Govt schemes and programs being implemented in the district and motivated the public to avail the benefits of the same. They also responded to the queries raised by the public on the occasion.
Addressing the public during the event, the DDC said that the District Administration has adopted a multipronged strategy for the holistic development of all the areas of the district and every sector is being pushed to achieve the desired results on ground.
Listing the measures being taken for the inclusive, all-round and substantial development of all the areas of the district, he said and added that the objective was to take the district to newer heights of prosperity.
Highlighting scores of services being provided by different departments of the district through online mode, he urged the public to come forward and avail the benefits of the same. He also asked the concerned officers to give wide publicity to the schemes of their departments to enable maximum number of targeted people to take benefits.
Responding to the issues and demands of the general public, he exhorted the officers to take immediate measures to mitigate the problems of the people highlighted during the public outreach program. He assured that adequate number of electricity poles would be provided under RDSS scheme of the PDD.
He also assured the public that all their grievances have been documented and the same would be redressed in a phased manner with the intervention of the concerned departments.
As many as 25 golden cards and revenue services were also provided to the general public on the occasion.