DDC Ramban reviews realisation of developmental deliverables by Line Departments

<strong>DDC Ramban reviews realisation of developmental deliverables by Line Departments</strong>

RAMBAN, JUNE 17: District Development Commissioner, Ramban, Mussarat Islam today stressed upon the line departments to work with added dedication and promptness to achieve full saturation of developmental deliverables prescribed by the Government.

The DC was chairing a meeting of officers attended by the Chief Planning Officer, Dr, Kasturi Lal, ACD, Zameer Rishu, DPO, Ashok, CMO, Dr Kamal Zadoo, Executive Engineers of PWD, JPDCL and other district and sectoral officers, convened to review the performance of different departments in the realization of prescribed deliverables.

The DDC sought real-time feedback from the concerned officers about the progress of saturation of the set goals.

The DDC directed the officers to achieve the deliverables in their respective jurisdiction within the set timelines. He urged upon them to strive for effective and judicious utilisation of the resources.

โ€œThe realization of the set goals should be systematic and well documented to yield best results on the ground level”,  the DDC asked the officers and advised them to adopt convergence mode and pooling of the resources for execution of works.

He asked the departments to furnish real-time information about the progress on every Saturday to his office. The progress and achievements of all departments will be evaluated on the basis of the furnished reports, he said.

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